Technima Nordic has been recently audited by BASTAonline for the registration of Mercalin and Soppec products.
What is BASTA ?
This registration certified products that fulfil the system’s most stringent chemical composition criteria. The building and construction products found in the BASTA database fulfil BASTA’s requirements for chemical content and do not contain any substances of very high concern and risk-reduction substances.
BASTAonline includes 2 repositories: BASTA and BETA. Both have requirements on substances that are sensitizing, acutely or chronically toxic and environmentally hazardous, as well as on volatile organic compounds.
Forerunner in its domain in Europe, BASTAonline is considered by Technima as a strong accelerator for the development of new formulations, focusing on a safer approach regarding the products composition.
During the audit, Technima has been perceived as a company that knows its domain and controls perfectly its products formulations. Its capacity of adaptation towards the limitations and constraints imposed by the organism has been strongly underlined (such as the substitution of a solvent only suspected today as an endocrine disruptor, without having been proved yet).
List of our products registered in BASTA
The products list of the company registered under BASTA and BETA has now been confirmed by the organism:
- IDEAL SPRAY (BASTA): red - yellow - pink
- FLUO TP (BETA): all colors
- PRO MARKER (BETA): red - yellow - black - white
- MERCALIN RS (BETA): all colors and clear coat
- MERCALIN MARKER (BASTA): fluo and white. Its formula has been specifically modified to answer to the strict exigences of BASTA repository.